
We are Here to Help You Add that Missing Element to Your Life

Creating the most pure, organic and bioavailable CBD products on the market, at a price you can afford.

Our Story

When we found ourselves suffering from both chronic pain and trouble sleeping, we made the choice to research natural solutions. During our search we learned about the benefits of CBD. Unfortunately, we also learned an unpleasant truth about the CBD industry: its products rarely work.

CBD isn’t the problem. The problem is an industry that is largely unregulated and full of poorly produced products. After trying seven of the biggest CBD brands on the market and only finding relief from one, we realized that there was a need.

After learning all this, we decided to do something about it. Our mission? To help people by creating the most pure, organic and bioavailable broad spectrum cannabinoid products on the market, all at a price people can afford.

Welcome to Elementz CBD Watch Our Video to Learn More About Us!